Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Why You Want To Be NetIBA Certified If You Use StormPay

I have two active upgrade packages with my Auto Surf program Earn 12% Daily. Tomorrow will be day 12 for one and day 6 for the other. The one on day 12 expires on Friday and will be cashed out to my payment processor Storm Pay. I will then be able to add another upgrade to my account to keep two active. I will let you know the results when each of these are posted.

Today's surf results again yielded a total of $43.20 added to my account.

If you are using Storm Pay as your Payment Processor you should seriously consider getting certification from NetIBA. Let me give you an explanation of why you should do this.

Let's say you invested $750.00 in your Auto Surf Program. Here are the results of this payment without certification and with certification using my program Earn 12% Daily as an example:

Without: $1,004.79 paid with a fee of $75.21 ==> Profit: $254.79

With: $1,048.29 paid with a fee of $31.71 ==> Profit: $298.29

That's a difference of $43.50 in your pocket. So, you can see how your savings can add up as you continue to increase your investments and your payouts increase as your funds grow.

Bottom line? If you uses Storm Pay as your Payment Processor, get certified with NetIBA.

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